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Hydrating Green Juice

Hydrating Green Juice



  • Cucumber
  • Green Apple
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Kale
  • Lime 
  • Green tea (optional)

I had been making this juice before Breakfast every day for 21 days. 
The thing I noticed THE MOST was less wrinkles OMG.

Not saying it’s a cure for everyone.
So I’m going to share a few other benefits as a juicy insurance policy!

I had this tiny wrinkle pop up one day when I randomly drank a coffee (As a non coffee drinker, & no wonder because coffee can dehydrate you!)

The next day I ditched the coffee and stayed back on the juice - the wrinkle plumped out.

Like, no longer a saggy used balloon… it was revamped with hydration.

I swear by the power of The Cucumber.

Cool as a…
Key Benefits of Cucumber, like in our Laser Care - are Hydrating, Cooling effects.
How does this help our skin?
OoO I’m glad you asked.

Cucumber contains super hydrating electrolyte minerals like potassium and magnesium that help maintain the body's fluid balance. 
Keeping moisture in the body and most of all keep moisture in our biggest organ, the skin suit.
In short - YAS!
Cucumber keeps the skin hydrated!
A Handy Hydrating hack when it comes to nurturing your skin through the healing process.


I’ve always eaten flat leaf parsley like lettuce. It’s a super fast growing herb that is often over looked and you can find it anywhere!
So… why in juice? & Why the stalks too?

The stalks are actually a lot sweeter than the leaves
But here’s why I got obsessed with juicing the old Nona Herb…
Parley is team Vitamin! 
I’m talking Vitamin K: For blood clotting & bone health.
Vitamin A, Vitamin C & other antioxidants including flavonoids.

Considered a detoxifying element to juices, clearing the skin of impurities will contribute to improving better skin Healing and the antioxidant agents in your body to fight off the free radicals (remember we talked about that in our last blog.)

Green Tea is optional.

Depends where you like to get your morning Kick from. The benefits suit this hydrating juice and adds a little extra light flavour.
Green tea is on team Antioxidants, like polyphenols & catechins, and also pairs up with parsley to double down on fighting free radicals.
The Polyphenols are fancy age fighting agents too, which we rave about to encourage superior skin healing.

How to Juice:
There’s no real science to this, make it your own. These ingredients are super complimentary & tasty together, each ingredient plays a winning role.

1 Cucumber
2 Green Apples
Sprig of Mint
Bunch of flat leaf Parsley (including stalks). 
3-5 Kale leaves & stems. Why waste juice in any of the plant.
1/2 a Lime 
Green tea (optional) Boil the tea before you make the juice let it brew and cool.


Got any Q’s? Hit us up!

If you don’t take it from us, Take it from Macka B…

Cucumber Cucumber
Vitamins, Minerals very high number,
Silica, Hair and Nails get longer,
Other Vitamins make your bones dem stronger,
Anti wrinkle make you look younger
95% Water, Kidney Cleanser, great hydrater,
Detox, Fiber, good regulator,
Give your body good things don’t be a traitor
Get the Cucumber cut it inna slice
Put it inna jug of water overnight,
You know what you get for a fraction of the price, Energy drink full of electrolytes
Raw inna salad is one of the use
Or as a base for your Vegetable juice
Another surprise, put a slice on your eyes
Take away the dryness revitalize
Oh Yes one thing I have left
Cucumber can also help with bad breath
Wash away the Bacteria that cause the odour
Cucumber water instead of Soda

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